24 November 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

I have really started to get into the spirit of the holiday season and have been looking forward to putting up our tree and decorations. EJ is at such a great age to see the wonder of the holidays and was very excited to help decorate the Christmas tree. Paco and I did learn one valuable lesson though. Make sure you set the tree up the night before while the almost three year old is sleeping and let him decorate in the morning. If I heard "Is it time to put the ornaments on yet?" once I heard it 50 times :) Happy Holidays Everyone!

EJ just put the first ornament on the tree--his very special glitter ornament he made in art class

Paco helps him hang some ornaments near the top

The finished product

1 comment:

The Zaisers said...

Your Christmas Tree looks great. EJ did a great job decorating it.